Episode 7: Antero Garcia: Cell Phones Are Evil, Games Are Frivolous, and Other Myths
Engaging educator, author and speaker Antero Garcia discusses how cell phones and games can be used effectively in a class, as well as other important issues surrounding cell use, games and technology. And then Antero nails The 5-Minute Game Show! The fauxmerical parody, “TAC vs. Worksheet” starts us off and we finish with students from St. Mary’s High School in Owen Sound, Ontario sharing the ideas they came up with after analyzing an “anti-cell phone for teens” article on the In the Trenches segment.
Special thanks to Antero, Anna, Max, Eamon, Rachel and Laura Honegger
Big thanks to the fauxmercial stars, Ben Elterman as TAC and Spencer Krull as Worksheet. And the fauxmercial music used is called Kat and Tanner by Twin Musicom which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/