Episode 75: Carter Weinstein: Helping Students Conquer Fears

This episode’s topic couldn’t be timelier. I have a really enlightening conversation with my guest, Carter Weinstein, who as a high school senior wrote a book to help teens dealing with anxiety, and also to help parents and teachers understand what it’s like for teens to experience anxiety. I thought this would be a a helpful way to honor Mental Health month. We talk about his book and also what factors in education are causing or exacerbating so many mental health issues for students, and what we can do to fix them. We talk about his book and also what factors in education are causing or exacerbating so many mental health issues for students, and what we can do to fix them. Carter also does a great job playing The 5-Minute Game Show.

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Contact and Resources:

Conquering Fear: One Teen's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

Website: www.carterweinsteinbook.com

Instagram: @carterweinsteinbook

Facebook: Conquering Fear: One Teen's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

I want to thank Carter Weinstein. And thank you all for listening and caring about education. Please rate and subscribe to this podcast so others can find it!


Episode 76: Jessica Fuller: Games and Tools Transforming Education


Episode 74: Beyond STEAM: Blending All Subjects for Better Learning