Episode 35: Kevin Stoller: Creating More Engaging and Equitable Learning Environments

Kevin Stoller

Kevin Stoller

My guest in this episode, Kevin Stoller, started Kay-Twelve in 2009 to help educators design better learning environments. He is the author of “Creating Better Learning Environments” and host of the podcast Better Learning. We discuss different ways to enhance student engagement and provide true equity by focusing on the design of classroom. He gives lots of tips for educators even with no budgets, and in an interview update, talks about what to do now, and why there are better options than plexiglass.

Special thanks to Kevin and to my fauxmercial voice actors, Shane Lawrence of The Ed. Podcast and his daughter.

Other Links:

Kevin’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinstoller/

Lorraine Connell’s Are we Breeding Poodles

My guest in this episode, Kevin Stoller, started Kay-Twelve in 2009 to help educators design better learning environments. He is the author of "Creating Better Learning Environments" and host of the  Better Learning Podcast. We discuss different ways to enhance student engagement and provide true equity by focusing on the design of classroom.


Episode 36: Zack Hartzman: How Students Can Learn with “Non-Educational” Video Games


Episode 34: Joshua Silverstein: Curating Personal and Powerful Learning