Episode 15: Catlin Tucker: The Beauty of Balance with Blended Learning


Author and Blended Learning specialist Catlin Tucker makes a second appearance on this episode discussing her new book, “Balance with Blended Learning” and great ways to engage students in their learning process while helping teachers bring balance to their lives.  Then we play The 5-Minute Game Show.  In the Trenches, an Arete Preparatory Academy senior explains Symposium, a unique approach to “finals”. 

Special thanks to Catlin Tucker and Leah Schilowitz

And thank you to my awesome Blend-It Plus fauxmericial singers, Linda Korn (who also wrote the jingle), Amy Ritz and Karen Holender. 

Author and Blended Learning specialist Catlin Tucker makes a second appearance on this episode discussing her new book, "Balance with Blended Learning" and great ways to engage students in their learning process while helping teachers bring balance to their lives.  Then we play a challenging and fun round of The 5-Minute Game Show.  In the Trenches, an Arete Preparatory Academy senior explains Symposium, a unique approach to "finals". 


Episode 16: Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris: Why Robots Will Not Replace Teachers


Episode 14: Nick Covington and Chris McNutt: Human Centered Learning