Episode 58: Nadav Zeimer: Overthrowing Transcripts and Standardized Tests


I have a pretty radical guest today, Nadav Zeimer, an educator with a strong background in education and digital media, who is definitely doing his part in trying to overthrow education. He talks about how to completely overhaul our flawed transcript system and he has a plan for eradicating standardized testing.

I had really high hopes that when we moved to predominantly remote learning in 2020, and it became clear to people just how absurd most standardized testing was. I was sure that we’d finally see some big changes. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening. In my disappointment with the continuing status quo, I realized this was the perfect time to shake things up. And Nadav is certainly trying to make that happen.

And stay tuned to after the interview for the 5-Minute Game Show. And the fauxmercial for this episode is a parody of the classic cartoon “Mighty Mouse” where I get a chance to use my editing skills. It’s a lot of fun!

I would like to thank my special guest Nadav Zeimer. I also want to give a huge shout out to my fellow voices on the fauxmercial, Yossie Frankel as Almighty Mouse and Tuvia Frankel as the announcer. They are both really great sports and I appreciate it!

Links and Contacts:


Nadav’s Blog

Nadav’s book: Education in the Digital Age

Make One Change book

Radio: An Illustrated Guide by Ira Glass

Out on the Wire (graphic help for radio etc. ) by Ira Glass and Jessica Abel


Episode 59: Jake Miller: Growing Your EdTech Integration Mindset


Episode 57: Mealey & Tudisco: Curating a Collegial Base for Better Teaching